英語エッセイ -The benefits of a good night’s sleep-

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TED Talksを使ってエッセイを書く方法

TED Talks


How much do you care for sleep? Sleep occupies a third of our lives but do you think sleeping is just a time to rest? The answer is no, it is not only that but actually, it is a very crucial function for you. For example, while we are asleep our body adjusts and controls the vital system which affects our respiration, growth, and immune reaction. However, sleep has one more big effect on our bodies. That is memory reconstruction.

From a 19th-century research, humans normally forget 40% of new content in the first twenty minutes. This is called the forgetting curve. But memory consolidation will prevent from forgetting. Memory consolidation is a process where the memory navigates from short-term memory to long-term memory. This occurs in the hippocampus, which is a part of the human brain, where memory is processed. An experiment shows that a person whose hippocampus got removed had difficulty for holding long-term memory. As you know now, the hippocampus gives a great role on human memory and we can enhance that by memorizing things with emotion and also a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is formed in 4 stages but the most known are slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement, the acronym of REM sleep. The former helps your long-term memory, such as memorizing formulas, and the latter helps with procedural memory, such as finger movements of a piano.

Sleeping is very important for your health and also your brain. Whenever you want a fresh brain to start a new day you just need a long good comfortable night’s sleep.


How do you get a good night’s sleep?

When I am a little tired by exercising then I can sleep well. Also, if I get a very pricy comfy bed that will give me a better night’s sleep.

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