英語エッセイ -Why do you want to squeeze cute things?-

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TED Talksを使ってエッセイを書く方法

TED Talks


Cute aggression is a phenomenon that people feel when they see cute things and have that urge to pat them, squeeze them, or even stuff them in your mouth. 

In 1943, the baby schema was created which classified cuteness, such as chunky cheeks, big eyes, and short limbs. The survey shows that many young animals are associated with cute, whereas other animals are set to the opposite. Indeed, decades of research show that the baby schema truly tracks how people sense cuteness. People who see cute pictures long time tends to see them often. It also shows that the brain, where emotions are associated, gets stimulated.

Cuteness also influences behavior. The 2009 research shows that people who saw cute pictures performed better on the Operation game rather than those who did not. Also, people tend to throw empty bins into the trash can if the trash cans have cute characters on them. As a result, advertising with cute images is actually making a positive effect on people.

So why do humans get influenced by cuteness this much? One theory tells that babies are impossible to live alone and that they need adults to take care of them, which developed to be cute. Even domesticated animals turned out to have an affectionate appearance and become docile to humans compared to wild animals, such as dogs. Especially for dogs, it is told that their brains affected the appearance of their body, such as having floppy ears or short snouts. Humans had made some breeds that have similarities with babies. Scientists think that even humans might breed as same as this, by selecting a partner which looks more affectionate and leaving out those who are not.

The reason why cute aggression happens to humans is that the cuteness sometimes overpowers them and the brain tries to set a brake. It is normal that you feel the urge but just be careful not to actually harm them.


Have you ever wanted to stuff cute things in your mouth? Like a baby? or a kitten? or a puppy?

Yes, I had the urge to stuff my hamster in my mouth before. I also like to sniff them.

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