TED Talksを使ってエッセイを書く方法
TED Talks
Do you know a saying called, “Elephants never forget”? This is based on an actual factor.
Elephants boast the hugest brain in land mammals and it is very similar to humans. They have a highly developed hippocampus and cerebral cortex
Hippocampus greatly correlates with emotion. They can put the important things into long-term memory and keep remembering from childhood to adulthood. However, they are the only animals that suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
On the other hand, the cerebral cortex plays a big role in problem-solving. They engage in the problem eagerly and even sometimes outwit the researchers.
With these factors, elephants show very remarkable skills. For example, elephants can play instruments and there is even a music band consisting of elephants. They can also draw and carefully pick the colors.
Though the most fascinating thing about them is the empathy and justice they carry. Elephants are the only animals that mourn their fellow when they die and perform burial rituals. They will also be very violent and try to revenge when people attack them, such as poaching.
Elephants are highly intellectual and emotional animals and there are lots of things that we, humans can learn from. However, the number of elephants are keep decreasing due to habitat destruction and ivory poaching. We must consider this fact to keep these amazing animals on earth.
If you can have one ability from an elephant, what would you want?
I want to have their long eye lashes because they are so pretty. The reason they have long eyelashes is because it will prevent dust and bugs in the wild.
I want to have their brain because their long-term memory can be extraordinary. For me memorizing have become very difficult along with age, so I desperately want them.

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