英語エッセイ -The benefits of daydreaming-

e-benefit-daydream 英語のあれこれ



TED Talksを使ってエッセイを書く方法

TED Talks


People spend a third and half waking hours daydreaming. How does it affect humans?

While thinking something, doing a task, or daydreaming, two areas in your brain get activated and it is called the executive network and default mode network. Scientists thought that when people daydream then the default mode network gets activated, meaning people gets into relaxing mode. However, this was not the case. According to furthermore research this area gets activated when the brain revisits old memory, thinking of ideas and ambitions, and wandering off on a daydream. Your mind can wander off from negative thoughts to happy thoughts. The most interesting thing is that it can wander off to an unexpecting field that you are not consciously objecting. This is because mind-wandering is associated with positive emotions and it helps to achieve goals our build a good relationships with people.

Scientists also think that there are relationships between the executive network and the default mode network. The default mode network can produce free-flowing and spontaneous thoughts whereas the executive network can produce logical thinking such as choosing, developing, and seeking ideas. When these two get activated in sync, it will have a crucial effect on creative thinking.

You can daydream whenever and how long you want. It is not a waste of your time at all.


Has your daydreaming ever come true?

No, never. I feel like if I daydream it, it will never happen to me. But I cannot stop thinking of it.

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